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Your Dog Is Constipated – Should You Be Worried?

Constipation is a concern that can affect you and your dogs, so be on the lookout for it. Inspecting how long it’s been since your dog last went potty can guide you to determine whether or not your pet is experiencing constipation. For the sake of your dog’s well-being, you must take responsibility for your own actions.

Understanding the Causes of Constipation in Your Dog

As a dog owner, you must be able to tell if something is amiss with your pet’s potty practices right away. If your dog’s constipation worsens and there are accompanying health issues signs and symptoms, you must consult with a veterinarian immediately. The most usual reasons for a dog’s inability to defecate are listed below.


Constipation is most often caused by dehydration. Dehydration causes the colon to take in more liquid from the waste moving through the intestines, resulting in more dehydration in your dog. Your dog’s feces will be stiff and dry because of this, leading to constipation.

Suppose the root cause of constipation is a deficiency in the intake of clean, fresh water, the only treatment that will be effective in enhancing the amount of water intake. Raising your dog’s water consumption will not decrease constipation if another brings it on. Taking your dog to the vet that offers compassionate veterinary care is your ideal alternative.

Indigestible Objects

Dogs are a lot of fun to play with since they are so spirited. The problem is that several exuberant dogs eat things that are not supposed to be eaten. Among the numerous items found in this category are rubber balls, pencils, paper clips, and plastic bags. It’s a common understanding that dogs enjoy gnawing on things that aren’t their food, which isn’t a mystery.

A veterinarian dental practitioner providing dog and cat teeth cleaning might be required to remove the things stuck in your dog’s teeth in extreme situations. Keep a watchful eye on your dog’s mouth, just as you would with a kid. Constipation can be brought on by indigestible products consumed by dogs, which can establish obstructions in the small and large intestines. Other dogs may be able to be treated at home without the demand for surgical treatment or intrusive methods.


It’s not unusual for something outside of the colon to impede the circulation of excrement through the colon. It is brought on by anything pushing down hard on the colon in many cases. Your dog will undergo a health examination to establish the degree of constipation they are experiencing.

If more testing is needed to identify what is wrong with your dog, a vet from a dog neuter hospital may recommend more testing, such as an endoscopy or an x-ray. It is possible that taking a sample of the intestines or executing abdominal surgery will also be needed. But in the end, your dog will gain from every one of these treatments.

The Takeaway

Guarantee you have a clear picture of your dog’s health and wellness since they can not tell you if something is wrong the same way a human can. If your dog is constipated, there are numerous things you may do, but it’s finest to visit a veterinarian first. Your vet can offer dog-specific recommendations. To stop future constipation, you must talk with your vet about including fiber in your dog’s diet.

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