Dogs excel in a variety of jobs. They help us relax, ease our pain, and add joy to our lives. They, too, are silent. This is because they do it naturally. Predators are known to prey on weak animals in the wild. So, animals will cover any symptoms of illness, discomfort, or harm. The urges to hide are strong, even if your dog happens to be an affectionate pet with nothing to fear in the security of his own home. Because of this, dental problems are usually not noticed until they develop into a dental infection and the resulting discomfort becomes acute.
Oral care for dogs is one of the areas where pet owners fall short. Even with routine cleanings, the possibility of infection can remain in the dog’s mouth. Dental diseases are now recognized as among dogs’ most frequently occurring health problems.
Manifestations of a Possible Tooth Infection
To ensure that our pets’ dental health is at its best and healthiest, we’ve provided a list of symptoms to help recognize the signs of the onset of dental disease. If untreated, the germs and illnesses may move through the gums and bloodstream and trigger serious health issues; that’s why it’s crucial to have it checked out whenever you can.
1. Bad Breath
If your dog’s mouth is smelly foul, it could signify that they are being treated for periodontal diseases. In the building of plaque and tartar within your dog’s mouth, there’s a surge in the number of bacteria present. This leads to decay, which produces smelly sulfur compounds. Bad breath is sometimes misinterpreted as “doggie breath,” it is, in fact, a well-known myth. However, dental disease is the most frequent reason for bad breath.
If you want to know the services offered by a reputable overall service veterinarian, you can check websites like These type of vets can take care the overall wellness of your pet.
2. Refusal to Eat
If your dog suffers from a tooth disorder, it becomes difficult for him to chew, and as a result, the dog may spill food on the floor. It is possible to examine your dog’s teeth when they suddenly drop more food than they usually do. Another sign of dental disease is changes in your dog’s appetite or their inability to consume dry meals. Your dog will become pickier about its meals and often leave behind the more significant food portions.
If you want to cure your pet’s dental problems, you can search the web and type in “pet dental care for dogs” in the search bar for the best results. Immediate precautions are needed to remediate the dental problem of your pet, otherwise it can lead to a more serious ailment.
3. Facial Swelling
The upper jaw is a common area of infection. It can cause swelling of the face, which should be examined by your doctor as soon as possible. Because the teeth of the upper jaw are near the nasal passages, certain dental infections may cause symptoms of upper respiratory illnesses. But, a lower premolar or Molar tooth root infection can cause swelling in the lower jaw. This may rupture, causing an injury if it is not treated.
If the problem cannot be solved by medicine or normal dental procedures, you might need to consider pet surgery. If you are looking for surgical pet services, you can search for “veterinary surgeon near me” on the internet.
4. Red Swelling or Bleeding Gums
The healthy gums’ color is pink. Once your finger is removed from the gum, the gum color should change to its standard pink color. Your dog’s gums might be colored red for a variety of causes. Gingivitis (inflammation of gums) and periodontitis may result in bright red gums. Your dog’s gums can become more sensitive and more prone to bleeding due to dental disease. The dog’s owners might discover blood in their dog’s saliva and chew toys or bedding.
5. Discolored Teeth
Another way to assess your dog’s dental health could be by lifting their lips and observing the color of their tooth. Are their teeth shining white, or do they show a yellow or brown tinge to them? It’s normal to observe these changes in color on your dog’s front teeth as a sign of tartar accumulation. Periodontal disease can worsen and become more severe with time as tartar builds up around the gum line areas.