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Parasites in Dogs: Ensure Your Pet’s Safety by Following These Tips

Dogs are generally interested and usually explore every backyard area, sniffing and licking anything of interest. They’ll typically play with other neighborhood pets. As a result of these natural impulses, they unwittingly expose themselves to potentially unsafe elements, such as parasites.

Ways to Prevent Your Dog From Having Parasites

Never be fooled by their tiny appearance. Despite their small stature, internal parasites can damage your pet’s health and wellness. Protozoa, such as coccidia and Giardia, are regular internal parasites in pets. Heartworm and intestinal worms are likewise usual.

Some parasites can generate dangerous infections if they are not treated in time. Maintaining your pet without parasites is as easy as following these basic actions.

Get Your Pets Treated for Parasites

Parasites can infect your dogs in two ways: internally and externally. There is a possibility that your dog’s coat will become infested with external parasites such as fleas, flea eggs, and ticks. Internal parasites, on the other hand, such as lungworms and ringworms, reside in the organs of your animals. Both kinds could be unsafe for the health and wellness of your pet.

Because of this, you must take precautions when bringing your pet home. There’s no need to wait until your pet is infested with parasites before taking them to the pet hospitals like Sears Veterinary Hospital. Vaccines for dogs have set doses, so give your pet the entire course.

Test Your Pet Annually for Parasites

Diagnostic testing is equally as essential as vaccinations and a medical checkup regarding your pet’s wellness. A yearly check for heartworms and tick-borne illness is encouraged, along with the standard baseline blood examinations. In addition to anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis, ticks and insects can transmit heartworm conditions.

When a veterinarian inspects a sample of your pet’s stool, they search for parasite eggs that can be passed on to other pets in your household. The vet can design a preventative plan and prescribe dog internal medicine based on the parasites your pet has or has been exposed to.

Don’t Allow Your Dog Eat Feces

Fleas, ticks, and insects aren’t a worry in your pet’s waste, but intestinal parasites, which can be transferred via feces, are different. Removing your dog’s feces as soon as possible is vital to stop the spread of parasites to other pets. Avoid situations where poor hygiene is practiced, such as unclean dog parks or trails, by promptly cleaning up your pet’s feces.

Nevertheless, although routine deworming will maintain your pet’s digestive system without parasites, your pet can still be contaminated. Eating feces is a suitable way to get parasites, as many of these worms are shed in pets’ feces. You must eliminate the waste as soon as possible to keep your pet from ingesting it. For dogs with digestive or skin-related problems, you can try dog and cat acupuncture to minimize the discomfort they’re experiencing.

Final Thoughts

Keeping proper hygiene, such as cleaning one’s hands after touching animals or eating food, is on par with the importance of the above preventative actions. Tidying up your pet’s feces after walks are essential since feces frequently transfer worm eggs and larvae. Keeping your pet’s coat clean reduces the risk of infection.

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